Care of People x Planet
There’s a correlation between climate change and mental health, with growing concerns of climate change it’s no surprise we’re feeling unsettled. COP² is working towards caring for people and the planet, if we can support each other then we are better equipped to care for the planet.
COP² is a global network of organisations working in collaboration with the World Health Organisation, the UN’s Race to Resilience, ECHO Project, and supported by Kokoro
↝ Brand Identity, Campaign, Website Design
The creative challenge was to connect people to the conversation around mental health and climate change. With smart and emotive branding we are able to open up the conversation, celebrate great global minds, and encourage involvement.
The idea behind the icon-led identity was to create a universal graphic language which spoke of people and the planet. Scalability was needed within this brand, involvement ranges from local initiatives, to regional hubs and large-scale global discussions our icon-led identity lends itself to functionality as well campaigning.
The people power behind COP² is impressive – activists, practitioners, community leaders, researchers and more. They are mental health system innovators and sustainable economy advocates with the knowledge and experience needed to make global shifts.
It’s just the beginning for COP² and they’ve already involved 100+ organisations.